Producing a Wonderful Experience!
Reserve Grand Champion
2014 NAILE

Exhibited by Katie Davis

#: 154
EN: 284-9 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: Bear 294
Dam's Ear Notch: 209-2
Sire of Dam: Solid Monster
Weight in lbs (as of 06.19.14): 50
Description:: This trio belted barrows need HIGH CONSIDERATION FROM ALL!!! These barrows might not be the thickest or most massive or most powerful, but they have tremendous look and eye appeal and they are "trendy." They are tall fronted, neat and clean about their head and neck with great natural shape and definition! All you have to do with barrows like these is simply: FEED THEM!!! They will get better with every day on feed and every day of maturity!!! I like the ideal of getting these guys rolling and conditioned and fluffy and LOOK OUT ALL!!!

Champion Heavyweight Market Hog
2014 NAILE

Exhibited by Lucia Abreu

#: 106
EN: 256-11 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: On Time
Dam's Ear Notch: 35-6
Sire of Dam: Bear
Weight in lbs (as of 06.19.14): 65
Description:: WE'RE WAY IN ON THIS BLUE DAPPLE BARROW!!! He's so much like the 256-6 painted up barrow!!! He's mega stout featured, and shapely while being still ultra well balanced and having great design! This barrow is freakishly tall at the point of the shoulder, and dead level thru his hip and rump! He has great flexibility and agility to his skeleton and feet and legs! We love the strength of pastern on this barrow and his littermates especially in combination with their width and dimension!!! Hard to make them like this!!!

Reserve Champion Crossbred Barrow
2014 American Royal

Exhibited by Cole Wilcox - Placed by Platt Show Pigs
Class Winner
2014 American Royal

Exhibited by Levi Logue
Placed by Platt Show Pigs

#: 166
EN: 293-8 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: Monster Square
Dam's Ear Notch: 66-1
Sire of Dam: Creature
Weight in lbs (as of 06.19.14): 65
Description:: We maybe have these misread (it honestly wouldn't be the first time, as this is really all a guessing game, educated guessing on these prospects is good way to put it). But, as WE READ THEM TODAY: THEY LOOK LIKE STUDS FOR SHOW BARROWS!!! They are extra heavy in their skeletons! They are extra bold in their top and upper rib shape, especially the 293-10, he's as massive there as any!!! They both have a great design and look about them from the side profile with the tall shouldered, extended front ends you want to see in show barrow prospects at this stage! They read as though they will continue to mass and power but also continue to stay very balanced, complete, and complete!

Grand Champion Overall
2014 Arkansas State Fair

#: 185
EN: 4-7 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: Monster Square
Dam's Ear Notch: 95-4
Sire of Dam: Honky Tonk
Weight in lbs (as of 06.19.14): 65
Description:: Again, you can see the top shape and upper rib shape that the Honky Tonk female brings to the table written all over this pair of belted barrows!!! This is the same sow that is the mother of the DWE Expo barrow!!! These barrows are massive end to end and extremely bold about their center rib! We think if you have a reasonable place to keep one and access to a pretty solid show diet... YOU or ANYONE else could be competitive with these 4 litter barrows!

Champion Crossbred Barrow
2014 State Fair of Texas (Dallas)

#: 88
EN: 98-8 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: On Time
Dam's Ear Notch: 273-2
Sire of Dam: Bear
Weight in lbs (as of 05.17.14): 77
Description:: IF YOU'RE LOOKING TO WIN A MAJOR SHOW THIS FALL... 98-8 HAS TO BE ON THE SHORT LIST! That simple! He is huge legged! He is huge ribbed! He's super well designed and balanced to go with his extra stoutness and power thru his center body! This one would be a bunch of fun to just sit on and hold tight with him and see how good he could look in October even mid to late October this one doesn't scare me because he is built to feed that way! EXCITING STUFF HERE WITH ON TIME X BEAR X FINAL MOVE!

Reserve Champion Yorkshire Barrow
2014 State Fair of Texas (Dallas)

#: 89
EN: 98-11 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: On Time
Dam's Ear Notch: 273-2
Sire of Dam: Bear
Weight in lbs (as of 05.17.14): 67
Description:: ABSOLUTELY GOING TO MAKE A GREAT FEEDING BARROW! He may lack to cool blue blanket that his littermate above has, but this one is A STUD in his own right! He is awesomely square designed! You can see how square, and level and balanced this one his in his photo! You can see that he has BIG BONES and an extremely big, square, shapely loin edge! Get me set up with a barrow made like 98-11 and I'd take it every time feeding for my kids trying to win BIG SHOWS!

Reserve Hampshire Barrow
2014 State Fair of Texas
Grand Champion Commercial Gilt
2014 Oklahoma State Fair

Exhibited by Maddox Coulson

#: 66
EN: 84-1 XG
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Gilt
Sire: On Time
Dam's Ear Notch: 285-2X
Sire of Dam: Bear
Weight in lbs (as of 04.12.14): 47
Description:: This belted gilt is really square, really shapely, and super attractive from the side! She balances up end to end and top to bottom very well! She has the kind of balance and the kind of design you really want in one at this stage if you want a gilt that you can put feed in front of and watch her get better and better! She's extended out of her neck and she's long and level and square in her hip and rump structure! We think this girl can get very impressive as a show gilt, but would also have value as a sow prospect!

Reserve Grand Champion
2014 Arkansas State Fair

Exhibited by Ryleigh Homan

#: 186
EN: 5-5 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: Monster Square
Dam's Ear Notch: 128-11
Sire of Dam: Final Move
Weight in lbs (as of 06.19.14): 60
Description:: Another tremendous pair of barrows that really do represent the Basic & Balance ideals!!! They are designed well, they are heavy structured, they are good in their ribs, and they square end to end and top to bottom very well! Neither is too long or too short, they just really fit into the EVERY DAY good show barrow category!!!

5th Overall Hampshire Barrow
2014 Tulsa State Fair

#: 116
EN: 260-10 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: On Time
Dam's Ear Notch: 22-5
Sire of Dam: Bear
Weight in lbs (as of 06.19.14): 68
Description:: At the time of picturing this one hit me about as hard as any!!! And he seems to be continuing to develop daily! Now, keep in mind, I will like them plenty green and notch as powerful from a muscle standpoint as some! But, check out his bone work, the squareness about his skeleton, and how tall he is at the point of the shoulder! Love the head carriage and eye appeal this one brings to the table as well!!!

Champion Hampshire & 3rd Overall Barrow
2014 Black & Gold Jackpot - DAY 1 & DAY 2
Grand Champion
Texas Belt Buckle Bonanza
Champion 4-H Barrow & Reserve Grand Barrow
2014 California State Fair

Shown by Lucia Abreu

Lucia Abreu also exhibited the
Reserve Champion 4-H Hampshire
2014 California State Fair
#: 83
EN: 273-6 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Date Born: 12/17/13
Sire: Bear 22
Dam's Ear Notch: 13-4X
Sire of Dam: Stick This
Weight in lbs (as of 03.15.14): 78
Description:: This pair of Bear 22 x Stick This barrows SHOULD HAVE MANY FRIENDS!!! And RIGHTFULLY SO!!! They are extremely heavy in their bone and super rugged in their overall appearance! They seem to be barrows with about IDEAL MATURITY PATTERNS!!! They are getting enough size, age, and maturity that they are starting to really shape up and look the part! There is a HUGE DIFFERENCE in one weight 35-50# and what we think those should look like and where they should be at in terms of maturity, and ones that have reached the 70+ lb. mark! They can't be green forever, at some point things have to start maturing... These 273's are DEAL ONE TRACK in our opinion! Both have freakish stout bone and still both have incredible look and attractiveness that will work in the show ring all day long!!!

#: 132
EN: 276-6 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: Bear 22
Dam's Ear Notch: 95-4X
Sire of Dam: Super Monster
Weight in lbs (as of 02.16.14): 45
Description:: THIS ONE IS SPECIAL!!! We aren't sure you can get this one to Expo with enough size/weight/age/maturity, but if you can time this one to be 12:00 in late June or early July... LOOK OUT!!! Bear 22 back on one of the GREAT 95 litter Super Monsters! This barrow is special because of the tremendous structure he has! Absolutely mega stout, and yet still reads clean made and youthful! You CAN NOT build one any more square throughout! We love the rib shape of this guy and the true internal dimension that he expresses!!! You guys decide if he works for your show date and if he is your kind of not... BUT WE LOVE THIS ONE AND ONES MADE LIKE HIM WIN LOSE OR DRAW THIS WILL BE WHERE WE PUT OUR MONEY!!!

8th Overall Breeding Gilt & 5th Overall Crossbred
2014 California State Fair

Placed by Ernest Donohoe Showpigs

Reserve Champion Crossbred Barrow
2014 World Pork Expo

Exhibited by: Elizabeth Hodges

EN: 244-10 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: Creature 205
Dam's Ear Notch: 95-4
Sire of Dam: Honky Tonk
Weight in lbs (as of 02.16.14): 67
Description:: These 244's are MAN LIKE stout! They are incredibly heavy structured and huge in their rib cage and they are really good on their feet and legs as well! It's hard to make them this massive and this bold and keep them as correct and as good on the go as these 244 barrows are! We are liking the looks of these barrows and they seem to be growing on us day to day! They are steer like in their hips and rumps! Big, thick, deep, and square! Great pair of show barrow prospects!

2nd Place Heavyweight Crossbred
2014 Houston Stock Show & Rodeo

Exhibited by Caylla Cotten

#: 230
EN: 72-4 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Date Born: 9/7/13
Sire: Shockwave
Dam's Ear Notch: 130-9
Sire of Dam: Final Drive
Weight in lbs (as of 11.15.13): 55
Description:: Here is a GREAT EXAMPLE of the stoutness Shockwave can sire!!! Guys, these little 72's are MEN!!! They are huge, absolutely HUGE legged!!! They have incredible show barrow ribs, in that they are bold and have great curvature to them, yet their not too big bodied and too wasty in their lower third's! They are still lean and trim but still STUPIDLY STOUT FEATURED!!! These barrows have the right stuff to go be as competitive either as Yorkshire (if they don't get too many spots) or as crossbreds, BECAUSE WHEN THEY ARE THIS GOOD IT DOESNT REALLY MATTER!!! They can play in any class, any division, at any level, and show!!! We are PUMPED to have the opportunity to get these 72's into the hands of some of the great caretakers out there!!!

2nd Place Heavyweight Crossbred
2014 Houston Stock Show & Rodeo

Exhibited by Holden Walker

#: 164
EN: 37-4 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Date Born: 8/30/13
Sire: Outta Hand 235
Dam's Ear Notch: 285-2
Sire of Dam: Bear
Weight in lbs (as of 11.15.13): 65
Description:: We see a lot of good in these Outta Hand 235 sired barrows!!! They are barrows that have the futuristic look to them! They are heavy boned, and not short boned though! They are truly big big topped barrows! They have as much back shape as anything! Yet, even with the definition and shape of top they have, they don't round up anywhere in their muscle pattern! Both are extended fronted barrows, but stout skulled barrows! They have square hips and they are barrows that stay within themselves on both ends of their skeletons as far as squaring to the ground and not being too wide and rolling out at their hock.

Class 7 Winner Yorkshire Barrow
2014 World Pork Expo

EN: 363-10 YB
Breed/Sex: Yorkshire Barrow
Date Born: 12/1/13
Sire: Untouchable
Dam's Ear Notch: 53-5
Sire of Dam: Daddy Mack
Weight in lbs (as of 02.16.14): 75
Description:: We haven't yet cut this one... If he is offered on sale night he will be a barrow just to clarify. But, we may need to pull this one out as a potential boar! He does some things as well as any! He offers us some outcross blood, but most important the same reason we like him as a potential boar is the same reason you should love him as a potential show barrow... HECK! HE'S JUST DARN GOOD! He's square as can be! He's tall fronted with a great look to him! He's level front to rear and balances up like one should!

Reserve Champion Crossbred Gilt
2014 NJSA Southwest Regional

Exhibited by: Peyton Hill

#: 17
EN: 236-6 XG
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Gilt
Sire: Bear
Dam's Ear Notch: 27-8X
Sire of Dam: Sportage
Weight in lbs (as of 02.16.14): 65
Description:: This pair of unique marked Bear gilts need some attention! Especially if you're looking for Jackpot or market gilts! They have tremendous shape of top and really good extension and look about them as well! The 236-2 gilt is the more "ready" more powerful one as of today! She'll be good one to run on the early jackpot circuit! The 236-6 has the same design and same shape in terms of definition, she's just a notch greener made and more raw about her skeleton! Both fed correctly and to a degree fed in opposite directions, could end up looking very similar and very competitive down the road!

Reserve Grand Champion
2014 Kentucky State Fair

Exhibited by: Gary Nelson

#: 57
EN: 77-3 XG
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Gilt
Sire: On Time
Dam's Ear Notch: 113-4
Sire of Dam: Untouchable
Weight in lbs (as of 04.12.14): 60
Description:: A crossbred female here that you have love for her stoutness and squareness in combination! She's really thick and massive down her top and she's super bold about her rib cage! Look at the bone and feature this one has! Her rear leg and spread of her declaw as she comes away is HUGE! This one, in our opinion, gets good enough to win at the highest level!

Reserve Champion Yorkshire Barrow
2014 Indiana State Fair

Exhibited by: Karissa Rulon

#: 175
EN: 111-3 YB
Breed/Sex: Yorkshire Barrow
Sire: Untouchable 159
Dam's Ear Notch: 129-3
Sire of Dam: Final Move
Weight in lbs (as of 04.12.14): 60
Description:: This is a terrific litter of Yorkshire barrows! They actually are all a little different but all really good in their own right! Study their photos and find the one that suits the kind you like to feed the most! We can tell you that the mother here is going to make a big time sow for us! We trust her 100%! These barrow have her stoutness of feature and her heaviness of structure! You can get one of two of these littermates to a early August show as competitive middle weights and you can get a couple of these into September without any trouble! Really deep and really intriguing litter of purebred barrows!

Champion Heavyweight Crossbred
2014 OYE

Exhibited by: Straka Family

EN: 283-5 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Date Born: 8/20/13
Sire: Shockwave
Dam's Ear Notch: 61-2X
Sire of Dam: Bear
Weight in lbs (as of 10.18.13): 40
Description:: Shockwave bred to Creature 205's mother!!! YEAH WE'RE LIKING WHAT WE SEE HERE!!! This guy is mega heavy boned! He is stout stout stout featured!!! For one this rugged, this barrow still gives you a killer show barrow look!!! He's extra square out of his hip and he's huge in his forearm!!! This cat is incredible on his feet, he has great toes, and he's ideal in the set to his pasterns!!! Perfect length of body width being too short in the wrong places! He's moderate in his length of body, but has great hip and hind leg extension and flex, as well as great extension up front! WE KINDA LIKE THIS ONE A BUNCH!!!

Class Winner & 4th Overall Heavy Division Yorkshire
2014 World Pork Expo

Exhibited by: Jaxson Cobb

EN: 361-6 YB
Breed/Sex: Yorkshire Barrow
Date Born: 11/27/13
Sire: Untouchable 131
Dam's Ear Notch: 46-2
Sire of Dam: Checkmate
Weight in lbs (as of 02.16.14): 97
Description:: This 361 barrow is a big stout massive purebred barrow! He is one that reads like he is going to stay up and on his pasterns and he is a Yorkshire barrow with great natural shape to him! He's good fronted, and level in his design! This is one of those that will not get all the attention all sale night but stands to be a real sleeper!
No Sale in February Offering

2nd Place Barrow
2014 World Pork Expo

Placed by: Ernest Donohoe Showpigs

#: 97
EN: 249-4 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: Shockwave
Dam's Ear Notch: 208-10X
Sire of Dam: Creature
Weight in lbs (as of 02.16.14): 70
Description:: Here's a pair of absolute BRUTES!!! These SHOCKS are stout guys! LIKE VERY STOUT! Both are barrows that have tremendous natural top shape as well as great turn to their forerib! It'd be hard to imagine these barrows not suiting most judged and working in about any show ring setting you want to put them in! They are barrows that just do a lot really well and they do it in show barrow packages with some appeal to them!


Champion Berkshire Barrow
2014 OYE
Bear x Bear
Sold at Fall Classic

Reserve Division Hampshire Barrow
2014 OYE

Exhibited by: Straka Family

EN: 71-6 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Date Born: 9/7/13
Sire: Bear
Dam's Ear Notch: 24-3X
Sire of Dam: All There
Weight in lbs (as of 11.15.13): 53
Description:: This is a GOOD ONE!!! This is the kind of barrow we love to feed! This Design! This Balance! This Structure! This Stoutness with Look! This Correctness! He hits the ground square and he is square on the top side of his skeleton as well!!! Really like this barrow and feel totally confident recommending him to be one that can feed for you and allow you to be as competitive as any on show day!!! He just has that something special about him!!!

Class Winner & 6th Overall Crossbred Gilt
2014 OYE

Exhibited by: Jayme McMasters

EN: 226-2 XG
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Gilt
Date Born: 8/2/13
Sire: Bear
Dam's Ear Notch: 209-4
Sire of Dam: Creature
Weight in lbs (as of 10.18.13): 65
Description:: There will be some that won't look twice at this one... BUT THEIR WILL BE OTHERS THAT LOVE IT!!! This is a big time show hog! When you start breaking her down and study her toes and structure and design and overall shape and balance... YOU START TO FORGET ABOUT COLOR!!! This one is A GOOD ONE!!!


Premium Sale Selectee
2014 OYE
Multiple Time Oklahoma Champion

Exhibited by: Jayme McMasters

EN: 26-8 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Date Born: 8/28/13
Sire: Bear 22
Dam's Ear Notch: 99-6X
Sire of Dam: Super Special
Weight in lbs (as of 11.15.13): 62
Description:: This one will have many friends and everyone that has been by to see them in person really lands on this guy! He is super stout featured, but still really well designed and has tremendous look about him! This barrow is super expressive and really square down his top! He is truly one of the more square built barrows we are selling!!! This one could be SPECIAL!!! We think SPECIAL enough to go win a big one at the highest level of competition!!! He has what it takes!!!


Top Selling Commercial Gilt
2014 OYE

Exhibited by: Cade Miller

#: 64
EN: 266-2 XG
#: PEN7
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Gilt
Date Born: 8/13/13
Sire: Shockwave
Dam's Ear Notch: 277-3X
Sire of Dam: Creature
Weight in lbs (as of 10.18.13): 55
Description:: The discussion while taking this belted gilt's picture was something like: WHAT SHOW AND WHERE DOES THIS ONE NOT WIN??? She just balances up with all the extras without any holes! She's got awesome top shape, and she is ideally square coming and going!!! We're really high on this one and her potential to be a Banner Hanging show gilt!!! WE THINK SHE IS WAY GOOD!!!


2nd Heavyweight
2014 Star of Texas

Exhibited by: Weston Wyatt

EN: 279-8 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Date Born: 8/19/13
Sire: Bear
Dam's Ear Notch: 215-6
Sire of Dam: Creature
Weight in lbs (as of 11.15.13): 82
Description:: These blue 279 litter barrows are littermates to the lot 199 and 200 barrows we sold in our last sale!!! These barrows just weren't ready to sell at 40# but they are sure starting to shape up and look the part now! Both of these barrows have that extra heavy structure and square build to their skeletons that we really love to see!!! 279-8 is super balanced and super square and comfortable on the move! 279-5 might be the most extreme one that offers some way out there look, he just needs to relax in his top line and blend everything together as he matures and develops down the road. But, we wouldn't be selling him if we didn't believe he was going to do that and get really good down the road. He might be worth a little risk.


Class Winner
2014 Houston Stock Show
Private Treaty Purchase

Champion Yorkshire
2014 Arizona National

Exhibited by: the Mabry Family

#: 201
EN: 139-3 YB
Breed/Sex: Yorkshire Barrow
Date Born: 7/5/14
Sire: Untouchable 344
Dam's Ear Notch: 162-2
Sire of Dam: Final Move
Weight in lbs (as of 09.08.14): 60
Description:: THIS ONE MAY NOT BE AS "READY" TODAY... BUT UNLESS YOU PLAN TO TRY TO WIN A SHOW THE NEXT FEW WEEKS WITH HIM... YOU REALLY HAVE TO CONSIDER THIS ONE!!! We love the balance, the look, and honestly we love the maturity of this barrow! He's incredibly heavy structured and stout featured and yet still reads so youthful and attractive! Just an awesomely square skeletal build to this one!!! We have him listed one of if not the best purebred barrow in the group to really take home and pour the feed and energy to and let him turn into something pretty special by mid January!!! He has the parts and traits that you can not feed or enhance with management!!!


Class Winner Heavyweight Dark Cross
2014 Houston Stock Show

Exhibited by: Kamryn Pepper

EN: 57-6 XB
#: PEN10
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Date Born: 9/2/13
Sire: High Voltage
Dam's Ear Notch: 43-6X
Sire of Dam: Bear
Weight in lbs (as of 11.15.13): 67
Description:: These High Voltage littermate barrows could be the truly heaviest structured barrows in the entire sale!!! They are HUGE legged!!! They have HUGE ribs! They are HUGE in their forearms and blade systems! They are HUGE footed barrows! The intriguing thing about these three littermate barrows is that even though they are extra stout featured and as extreme in bone as you will see they still have great design and they balance up like great show barrows have to! We will actually probably end up scratching one of these powerhouse barrow prospects and leaving him in tact as a boar prospect! They read with the extra stoutness and generating power to potentially make a herd boar down the road! Yet, the separation on these three is so minor we haven't decided yet which of the three we need to keep!


Reserve Champion Heavyweight
Arkansas State Fair

Exhibited by Amelia Chapman

#: 25
EN: 217-6 XG
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Gilt
Sire: Shockwave
Dam's Ear Notch: 205-7
Sire of Dam: Creature
Weight in lbs (as of 05.17.14): 52
Description:: This one is cool! She is so square and awesomely shapely down her top! She has the ideal kind of rib shape and explosiveness out of her blade! She's good in her hip and rump and she's good about her pastern strength! You can get this one fitted into one that gets incredibly hard to beat! No Doubt About It! She can run with the best of them anywhere! She already has that cocky show right attitude! This one could be a whole lot of fun this Summer and Fall!

Grand Champion at the White Co. Fair
Champion Heavyweight NEA District Fair

Reserve Grand Champion
Northwest Georgia Regional Fair

Exhibited by Blane Brown

#: 102
EN: 256-5 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: On Time
Dam's Ear Notch: 35-6
Sire of Dam: Bear
Weight in lbs (as of 06.19.14): 63
Description:: This could be one of the wider skeletoned, big topped, bigger rumped barrows I've ever seen that I truly feel we can still call square to the ground and within his skeleton! This guy is absolutely BUSTED OPEN end to end and he has TREE TRUNKS for legs! He's moderate YET has great extension up front! Just an awesomely impressive one to look at from all angles! Hard to built them this far out in terms of power, but keep them square and maintain the right show ring look and balance!

Grand Champion Barrow
2014 Fort Worth Stock Show
#: 127
EN: 92-10 XB
#: PEN4
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Date Born: 7/19/13
Sire: Bear
Dam's Ear Notch: 30-2X
Sire of Dam: Super Monster
Weight in lbs (as of 09.14.13): 45
Description:: WE ARE WAY HIGH on this Bear sired barrow!!! Guys, these are the kind of Bears that blow up and WIN SHOWS once they mature! DO NOT be afraid of a greener Bear barrow - EVER!!! They will mass up and moderate! The look and design of this barrow is so good! He is long necked and great hipped with a dead level design front to rear! This one can be pushed to be a big time tough middle weight at Denver or he is one that could go play at Fort Worth. With him being a Bear X Super Monster we actually won't rule him out for one that can get to February and still be 12:00!!!
Reserve Champion Lightweight Market Hog
2014 National Western Stock Show

#: 92
EN: 75-8 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Date Born: 7/5/13
Sire: Bear
Dam's Ear Notch: 23-9X
Sire of Dam: Copyright
Weight in lbs (as of 09.14.13): 60
Description:: This is a really neat looking one to us!!! He just has that all day every day GREAT FEEDING APPEARANCE to him!!! He is square built, level designed, and super attractive fronted! You can go and play at any level you want to with a barrow like this 75-8 hog!!! If this one stays in your budget, THEN FEED HIM!!! He combines great completeness and balance with the extras it takes to win a BIG ONE!!!

Shown by Garrison Straka

Class Winner & Premium Sale Barrow
2014 National Western Stock Show

#: 73
EN: 65-9 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Date Born: 7/2/13
Sire: Bear 22
Dam's Ear Notch: 48-2X
Sire of Dam: Modern Marvel
Weight in lbs (as of 09.14.13): 67
Description: We actually left this little guy as a boar prospect here for a while, still trying to make that final decision. If this one gets cut, he instantly surfaces as a tremendous feeding show barrow! He is tall shouldered, dead level thru his hip, and he can go all day long!!! We really like this barrow and we love the fact that he comes out of an incredible litter!!!

Shown by Shawn Agar

Reserve Division Champion
2014 NJSA Southeast Regional

#: 112
EN: 10-9 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Date Born: 8/25/13
Sire: Shockwave
Dam's Ear Notch: 255-3
Sire of Dam: Super Monster 1-6
Weight in lbs (as of 11.15.13): 77
Description:: This blue Shockwave is a unique kind of barrow! He is stout yet attractive! We love the wide skulled look this barrow has along with how clean and trim his jaw line is! Seems that barrows that have this extra stoutness, but don't give up anything when it comes to having show appeal and design like a show hog are always the barrows that tend to be the very most competitive under lots of different guys judging!

Shown by Carson Lynn

Champion Lightweight Crossbred Barrow
2014 Wisconsin State Fair

Shown by Steven Blume

#: 152
EN: 16-4 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: Bear 294
Dam's Ear Notch: 215-6
Sire of Dam: Creature
Weight in lbs (as of 03.15.14): 39
Description:: WE ACTUALLY THINK THIS COULD BE A HERD BOAR!!! Bear 16 doesn't sound all bad when we start breaking this one down!!! He is a stud!!! If we decide to go ahead and make him a barrow, it is only because WE THINK HE CAN WIN A STATE FAIR!!! This is incredible combination of power, stoutness, shape, squareness, and a very attractive look!!! He is ideal in her length of body and he read rugged and stout featured like a great one needs too, Yet at the same time he is extended up front and has show hog head carriage!!! WE ARE SIMPLY PUT: VERY HIGH ON 16-4!!!


Division 2 Champion
2014 Georgia National Fair

Shown by Savannah Page

#: 40
EN: 234-8 XG
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Gilt
Sire: On Time
Dam's Ear Notch: 299-4
Sire of Dam: Bear
Weight in lbs (as of 05.17.14): 42
Description:: This pair of 234's are going to need to be looked at hard! They offer some very unique and very good show hog and show ring characteristics! They both are heavy boned with big forearm and blade systems! They are good in terms of their rib shape and how everything blends together front to rear! Both are the right size in terms of their frame and length to be great market hogs, and yet either could still be put on feed to be commercial gilts and be very competitive in that setting! You can read their pictures and see some of the differences as well as the fact that one is blue and one is belted to determine where you want to put your bid!!! But, the truth is, you probably will not be wrong either way as we truly thing both have great value!


Reserve Division 4 Champion
2014 Georgia National Fair

Shown by Savannah Page

#: 109
EN: 205-4 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: Shockwave
Dam's Ear Notch: 22-7
Sire of Dam: Bear
Weight in lbs (as of 05.17.14): 75
Description:: Just a true power hog here! This Shockwave x Bear barrow is a BEAST! He is wide across his top and he is wide at the ground! He is super shapely down his loin and he's explosive in his rib shape! He is a moderate barrow that will not get too long and he should feed along about ideally to make a tremendous jackpot and market barrow!



Grand Champion
2014 Tennesse State Fair

Shown by Jared Hart
Sold Private Treaty

Class Winner
2014 Ohio State Fair Open Show

Shown by Logan Deel

#: 191
EN: 50-7 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: Maverick
Dam's Ear Notch: 284-1
Sire of Dam: Bear
Weight in lbs (as of 03.15.14): 35
Description:: Maverick JUST KEEPS LOOKING LIKE A STAR!!! These handful of litters here we have to offer were made by collecting him at 5 months of age and trying to extend and make enough semen to cover 2 sows a week! So, this is just a the first sampling of what this DUDE can do!!! We love these 50's!!! ABSOLUTELY LOVE THEM!!! There's a chance by sale day we will try to decide which one to try to keep around as boar prospect! These would actually be DOUBLE BRED BEARS!!! Maverick is a Creature 63-11 (Creature X Super Monster) on a Bear daughter! Took him and bred him back to a Bear daughter!!! We actually did a lot of that and couldn't be more thrilled with how these first few are looking!!! These belted barrows have INCREDIBLE HIP AND REAR LEGS IN THEM!!! They are tall fronted and square to the ground exactly how we want them all to, just that it's really hard to get that done as well as Maverick does it!!! We are hoping for find a great home in a Midwest state where the FOCUS and GOAL of the Summer is to WIN THE FAIR IN AUGUST!!! Because, with that mind set and work these kind of barrows will DO THEIR PART!!!


Grand Champion
2014 LSU Northwest District Livestock Show

Shown by Mason Welch

#: PEN18
EN: 10-4 XG
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Gilt
Date Born: 8/25/13
Sire: Shockwave
Dam's Ear Notch: 255-3
Sire of Dam: Super Monster 1-6
Weight in lbs (as of 11.15.13): 83
Description:: These 10 litter gilts read BIG TIME to us!!! They are truly tremendous in terms of having incredible look and great top shape, and balanced in terms of their width and power! Both gilts are correct on their pasterns and look like they will stay that way! You can make KILLER SHOW GILTS HERE!!! Or, you could turn either one or both of these females into awesome replacement females to go into the herd!


Shown by Mason Welch

Grand Champion Barrow
2014 Caddo Parish Livestock Show

#: 83
EN: 28-3 XG
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Gilt
Sire: On Time
Dam's Ear Notch: 53-6
Sire of Dam: Creature
Weight in lbs (as of 06.19.14): 46
Description:: This boxy, square, shapely, ultra cool fronted, belted gilt should work as a great market hog 9.9 out of 10 times!!! She's really impressive about her top shape and her true rib shape dimension! She's a bold chested one that stays square to the ground and strong on her pasterns!!! We love how busted open she is and yet still how tall shouldered and attractive she appears!!! This one can be A MAJOR THREAT!!!


Shown by Clay Edler

Grand Champion Barrow
2014 Ross County Fair, Ohio

#: 156
EN: 83-4 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: Maverick
Dam's Ear Notch: 44-4
Sire of Dam: Final Drive
Weight in lbs (as of 04.12.14): 58
Description:: This Maverick barrow is a STUD! He is very heavy structured and he's really bold end to end! You can see the sheer mass and power this one packs in his photo! Yet, for the amount of power he has this barrow stays agile enough and correct enough on his feet and legs as he goes! Don't purchase this barrow with the plan to really push him extremely hard, he's not made to handle an extremely high rate of weight gain. He is one you can grow slow and show for a very long time and keep him right enough to win shows! Regardless when you plan to show him, this is a darn nice barrow to start with!


Shown by Jarrett Martin

Grand Champion Market Hog
2014 Gallia County Fair

#: 17
EN: 31-2 XG
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Gilt
Sire: Bear 22
Dam's Ear Notch: 108-6
Sire of Dam: Untouchable
Weight in lbs (as of 04.12.14): 75
Description:: What's NOT TO LIKE here! This one is so well balanced, and so good in terms of her structure and design! She's got her feet and legs placed where they are suppose to be! She's extra tall fronted and great in terms of the look and extension she has up front! We love that this one is 50% Yorkshire and that typically leads to them feeding great and being better sows!


Shown by Brenna Alvarez
Placed by Ernest Donohoe Showpigs

Grand Champion Market Hog
2014 San Diego County Fair (CA)

#: 86

EN: 277-3 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Date Born: 12/18/13
Sire: Bear 22
Dam's Ear Notch: 17-9X
Sire of Dam: Super Special
Weight in lbs (as of 03.15.14): 70
Description:: These 277 litter barrows remind us of the Bear 22 sired barrow that was Champion Hampshire and Reserve Grand at AZ National in late December! They read to us to have same kind of look and design and tremendously correct, balanced skeletons!!! If you like to have barrows on feed, and you do not like to sit on them and hold them... THEN CHECK OUT THESE GUYS!!! They are made right to push on and feed hard! Some barrow can not handle being pushed simply because they will not stay balanced, nor correct enough! These both read like they have the extension and ability to handle 2lb/day if not more towards the end!!! Here's a pair that both read with GREAT FEEDING POTENTIAL!!!


Shown by Katie Reinhart

Reserve Grand Champion Barrow
2014 Greene County Fair

#: 185
EN: 4-7 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: Monster Square
Dam's Ear Notch: 95-4
Sire of Dam: Honky Tonk
Weight in lbs (as of 06.19.14): 65
Description:: Again, you can see the top shape and upper rib shape that the Honky Tonk female brings to the table written all over this pair of belted barrows!!! This is the same sow that is the mother of the DWE Expo barrow!!! These barrows are massive end to end and extremely bold about their center rib! We think if you have a reasonable place to keep one and access to a pretty solid show diet... YOU or ANYONE else could be competitive with these 4 litter barrows!


Shown by Hannah Bergman
Placed by Ernest Donohoe Showpigs

** Hannah also exibited the
Reserve Champion Super Heavy Weight Market Hog.
Photo unavailable -- sale info at right.

Reserve Champion Heavy Weight Market Hog
2014 San Diego County Fair (CA)

#: 125B
EN: 270-6 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: Bear 22
Dam's Ear Notch: 99-2X
Sire of Dam: Priceless
Weight in lbs (as of 02.16.14): 50
Description:: This guy is only going to get BETTER and BETTER!!! He is super heavy boned and rugged! He is tall fronted with great look up thru his front end! You probably will not show this one at the early Jackpots and come out with banners, but give him time and let him reach market weight and he'll be playing hard! We believe this one has the build, the design, the structure, the frame, the design, and of course the killer color pattern to BE A CHAMP!

Reserve Champion Super Heavy Weight Market Hog
2014 San Diego County Fair (CA)

#: 111
EN: 258-3 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: Bear 22
Dam's Ear Notch: 51-4X
Sire of Dam: Priceless
Weight in lbs (as of 02.16.14): 63
Description:: SAME MOTHER AS THE RESERVE GRAND OYE 2013!!! With the risk of sound arrogant instead of just simply proud as we are... I have to point out that it's not every other day that you find a sale listing where there are back to back lots out of sows that have produced winners at that level!!! We honestly do take great pride in our sow herd, as we believe you simply can not get there without great females! This Bear 22 barrow is a bit stringy and certainly not the widest and most moderate one in the line up... But, go back and study the pig photo of "Double B" (The Reserve Grand OYE) and tell me how you read him! It's called "maturity" and it's possibly the single most important thing that goes on in a show barrow and at the same time it can be the hardest thing to see and get figured out at this state! All I know to do is: TRUST THE SOWS!


Shown by the Solomon Family

Grand Overall Barrow & Champion Yorkshire
2014 Boone County Fair (IN)

#: 226
EN: 106-6 YB
Breed/Sex: Yorkshire Barrow
Date Born: 1/22/14
Sire: Untouchable 159
Dam's Ear Notch: 152-2
Sire of Dam: OnSlaught
Weight in lbs (as of 03.15.14): 47
Description:: These 106 litter barrows are stout, rugged made barrow that are level designed with a great look to them!!! They are extended in the right places without getting too big in their pattern to feed as great show barrows!!! The Onslaught sow that is their mother is one terrific sow, and we think we can do some special things with her! Winning the Yorkshire Drive and possibly getting a piece of the deal at a Major State Fair event with a barrow out of her would simply just be a GREAT START to her generating ability!!! You can see the youth in these babies and can tell they haven't been off the nursery decks long at all, but the structure and the design is there!!! No doubt, EVERYTHING ELSE WILL FALL RIGHT IN LINE!


Placed by Ernest Donohoe Showpigs

Grand Champion Market Hog
2014 Sonoma-Marin County Fair (CA)

#: 65
EN: 233-1 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: Xtra Swag
Dam's Ear Notch: 234-2X
Sire of Dam: Bear
Weight in lbs (as of 02.16.14): 63
Description:: This is the later maturing or dare we call him the "greener" one of these 233 litter barrows!!! But, he just might be the one that can beat them all on show day when it's all said and done! He'll maybe never be the most rugged, biggest legged one at the show, but his "Xtra Swag" in terms of design and show appeal and balance will give him an edge over his competition!!! We see this one suiting the judge at Expo very well, as far as being sound, balanced, good design, attractive, and honestly JUST REALLY GOOD!!!


Shown by Blake Jackson

FFA Champion
2014 San Diego County Fair

#: 102
EN: 285-4 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: Bear 22
Dam's Ear Notch: 242-5
Sire of Dam: Main Man
Weight in lbs (as of 03.15.14): 67
Description:: This combination of Bear and Main Man looks WAY COOL!!! This barrow is mega big legged and yet he still is just crazy in terms of his true flex and how agile he is!!! He moves and acts like a little puppy dog, nothing is "DONE" or "SET-UP" in his skeletal structure yet and that's exactly what we think you want on them at this age and stage! Especially if they are this heavy boned, because typically structural flaws and joint issues and lack of athleticism comes along with it!!! This guys can go though and he's got PIPE to stand on!!!


Shown by the Carson Family
Placed by Ernest Donohoe Showpigs

Grand Champion Barrow
2014 Fayette County Fair (OH)

#: 101
EN: 252-4 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: Bear 22
Dam's Ear Notch: 80-1
Sire of Dam: Bear
Weight in lbs (as of 02.16.14): 50
Description:: This off belted barrow has a shot to get pretty special before it's all said and done! He is huge topped! He is super tall fronted and killer necked! If you like a powerful barrow that is still pretty on the profile and that can still get out and go... STUDY 252-4! He's another one that reads with perfect maturity to get better and grow with balance and be big time tough to beat at 270!!!


Shown by Mason Welch

Grand Champion
2014 Caddo Parish Livestock Show

#: 83
EN: 28-3 XG
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Gilt
Sire: On Time
Dam's Ear Notch: 53-6
Sire of Dam: Creature
Weight in lbs (as of 06.19.14): 46
Description:: This boxy, square, shapely, ultra cool fronted, belted gilt should work as a great market hog 9.9 out of 10 times!!! She's really impressive about her top shape and her true rib shape dimension! She's a bold chested one that stays square to the ground and strong on her pasterns!!! We love how busted open she is and yet still how tall shouldered and attractive she appears!!! This one can be A MAJOR THREAT!!!

Champion 4-H & Supreme Grand Champion Overall
2014 Sonoma County Fair
Shown by Gianna Ricci
Placed by Ernest Donohoe Showpigs

Champion Hamp & Reserve Grand Champion FFA
2014 Sonoma County Fair
Shown by Adrianna Garcia
Placed by Ernest Donohoe Showpigs
Grand Champion Hog
2014 Napa County Fair (CA)
Shown by Lauren Larsen
Placed by Ernest Donohoe Showpigs

Champion Light Crossbred
2014 Napa County Fair (CA)
Shown by Leah Magnussen
Placed by Ernest Donohoe Showpigs

Shown by Lucia Abreu

Reserve Grand Champion Hog
2014 Napa County Fair (CA)

#: 75
EN: 238-7 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: Bear 22
Dam's Ear Notch: 42-1X
Sire of Dam: Super Monster
Weight in lbs (as of 02.16.14): 50
Description:: IT'S SCARY HOW MUCH WE LIKE THIS GUY!!! The reason we say it's scary is that we know that at least 80% of people would not find him as one of the best ones in his pen much less the entire set! Why? I'll just say it like I see it... Because he is green! Yes, I just described one I think can win World Pork Expo or about whatever you want to run at as GREEN!!! I'm thinking this one gets as good as any! He has an absolutely incredible look and show appeal! He is heavy structured, and he has an AWESOME hip and rear leg! We also realize that this barrow is out of a very large litter of hogs and he did not get the highest preforming start and when you look at his littermates IT'S HARD TO IMAGINE HIM NOT GETTING MORE THAN PLENTY POWER!!!


Placed by Ernest Donohoe Showpigs

Grand Champion Overall
2014 Ramona County Fair (CA)

#: 125B
EN: 270-6 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: Bear 22
Dam's Ear Notch: 99-2X
Sire of Dam: Priceless
Weight in lbs (as of 02.16.14): 50
Description:: This guy is only going to get BETTER and BETTER!!! He is super heavy boned and rugged! He is tall fronted with great look up thru his front end! You probably will not show this one at the early Jackpots and come out with banners, but give him time and let him reach market weight and he'll be playing hard! We believe this one has the build, the design, the structure, the frame, the design, and of course the killer color pattern to BE A CHAMP!


Placed by Ernest Donohoe Showpigs

Reserve Grand Champion Overall
2014 Ramona County Fair (CA)

#: 93
EN: 280-6 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: Bone Thug
Dam's Ear Notch: 90-1
Sire of Dam: Bear
Weight in lbs (as of 03.15.14): 67
Description:: This belted barrow comes in a SPECIAL LITTER of hogs! This Bone Thug x Bear match up was an ABSOLUTE HOMERUN, NO A GRAND SLAM CONSIDERING THERE IS FOUR OF THEM!!! ****280-6: We LOVE the look of this one to go out and make one incredibly impressive show barrow!!! He is the perfect size and length to feed very easy and be one that can be show for a while without getting away from you and too stale! It's hard to get this combination of idea barrow length of body, with this sort of extension shoulder forward, then this kind of hip design!!! HARD TO MAKE THEM LIKE 280-6!!!


Shown by The Mabry Family

Grand Champion
2014 Washington County Fair

#: 164
EN: 220-10 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: Bear 22
Dam's Ear Notch: 123-2
Sire of Dam: Untouchable
Weight in lbs (as of 05.17.14): 67
Description:: We see over and over again when we have these 50% purebred litters how the depth and consistency of our product gets better and better!!! There are 8-10 hogs in this particular litter that can go out to shows WHEREVER you want to go and be SUPER COMPETITIVE!!! Why? They will feed! They will stay sound! They will mature at the right pace and peak at the right point for you!!! You do not have to beg them to eat! You do not have to beg them to be and stay healthy!!! They are just really good livestock and at the end of the day, it's GREAT LIVESTOCK that rises to the top! Now, you have to take them home and do your part of course, but these 220 litter hogs will respond and stay together for you!!! You can study some of the minor differences between them in their photos whether it be color or weight or whatever and find the barrow that fits your needs best! At the same time recognize that these barrows all have some of those GREAT LIVESTOCK traits in common! They are sound, they are balanced, they are complete, and they just have a tremendous amount of overall QUALITY to them!!!


Shown by Katelynn Carey, Bristow FFA

Winning Crossbred Gilt
2014 Oklahoma Jackpot Circuit
#: 42

EN: 234-9 XG
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Gilt
Date Born: 8/1/14
Sire: Bear 84
Dam's Ear Notch: 225-5
Sire of Dam: Creature
Weight in lbs (as of 10.01.14): 35
Description:: These 234 gilts offer great look and show appeal!!! They are tall fronted with really square design front to rear! Both are extremely shapely down their top! These gilts have the right kind of design and balance between shape, power, and extension! BALANCE at the end of the day WINS MORE SHOWS THAN ANYTHING ELSE!!! You have to have great BALANCE to go play hard regardless the level you are competing at!!! We really like this little pair of cocky fronted, neat designed show gilt prospects!


Grand Champion
Tri County Show, Georgia
EN: 243-6 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: Maverick
Dam's Ear Notch: 275-1
Sire of Dam: Creature
Weight in lbs (as of 05.17.14): 35
Description:: This red or blonde colored one is a barrow that is heavy structured and has a really correct design about his structure and skeleton! He's not the big rumped and no he doesn't have a huge top, but he's just a baby and if you understand maturity you should see that this barrow has INCREDIBLE POTENTIAL TO GET WAY GOOD!!! We love the structure, the soundness, the flexibility, and the overall look, design, and balance of this neat colored show barrow!!!


Exhibited by Justice Miller

Champion Crossbred Gilt
2014 Caddo County Fair

#: 59

EN: 79-2 XG
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Gilt
Sire: On Time
Dam's Ear Notch: 90-3X
Sire of Dam: Bear
Weight in lbs (as of 04.12.14): 40
Description:: This gilt is later in her maturity and a few days behind her littermate, but it would be a huge mistake to overlook this gilt! She's as square built and as good on her feet and legs as any gilt in the sale! She's heavy boned, and shapely right down her top! This is one of those that is going to be very easy to feed. She's the type and kind you can just put feed in front of and watch her get better and better! We're putting this down on our list to get into some of our best feeders hands that aren't scared of one that isn't 12:00 today! They will know and understand what this gilt will do with some time on feed and maturity!


Exhibited by Madison Barnes
Placed By: EDS

Champion Cross & FFA Grand Champion Barrow
2014 Kern County

#: 117
EN: 208-4 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: Bear 22
Dam's Ear Notch: 211-1
Sire of Dam: Creature
Weight in lbs (as of 05.17.14): 70
Description:: This pair of belted barrows can RING THE BELL!!! They can get it done at the highest level! We love how stout and how bold both of these barrows read front to rear! They offer tremendous balance and design, with great "WOW FACTOR." You can take all the "wow factor" in the world and if you don't put great running gear under it and you don't balance it up with the right kind of design... IT ALONE WILL NEVER WIN!!! Now, when you get those basics covered and you can add a little extra "WOW FACTOR" like these barrows have... WELL THINGS GET REAL FUN!!! If you're showing them, not so fun if you're showing against it!

Reserve Champion Light Crossbred
2014 Napa County Fair (CA)
Shown by Jack O'Dell
Placed by Ernest Donohoe Showpigs

Reserve Champion Hampshire Market Hog
2014 Stanislaus County Fair
Exhibited By: Gianni Cozzitorto
Placed by Ernest Donohoe Showpigs
Supreme Champion Market Hog
2014 Santa Barbara County Fair (CA)
*800 head county fair!
Shown by Josh Mendez
Placed by Ernest Donohoe Showpigs

Grand Champion Market Hog
2014 Marin County Fair (CA)
Shown by Rio Pagliaro
Placed by Ernest Donohoe Showpigs

Grand Champion Market Hog
2014 Silver Dollar Fair (CA)
Placed by Ernest Donohoe Showpigs

Reserve Champion Market Hog
2014 Silver Dollar Fair (CA)
Placed by Ernest Donohoe Showpigs

Shown by Justice Miller

Champion Crossbred Gilt
2014 Caddo County Livestock Show

#: 59
EN: 79-2 XG
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Gilt
Sire: On Time
Dam's Ear Notch: 90-3X
Sire of Dam: Bear
Weight in lbs (as of 04.12.14): 40
Description:: This gilt is later in her maturity and a few days behind her littermate, but it would be a huge mistake to overlook this gilt! She's as square built and as good on her feet and legs as any gilt in the sale! She's heavy boned, and shapely right down her top! This is one of those that is going to be very easy to feed. She's the type and kind you can just put feed in front of and watch her get better and better! We're putting this down on our list to get into some of our best feeders hands that aren't scared of one that isn't 12:00 today! They will know and understand what this gilt will do with some time on feed and maturity!


Shown by Amanda McMasters

Jones Jackpot Winner

#: 116
EN: 260-10 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Date Born: 3/30/14
Sire: On Time
Dam's Ear Notch: 22-5
Sire of Dam: Bear
Weight in lbs (as of 06.19.14): 68
Description:: At the time of picturing this one hit me about as hard as any!!! And he seems to be continuing to develop daily! Now, keep in mind, I will like them plenty green and notch as powerful from a muscle standpoint as some! But, check out his bone work, the squareness about his skeleton, and how tall he is at the point of the shoulder! Love the head carriage and eye appeal this one brings to the table as well!!!


Shown by Joe Lilienthal

Champion Market Barrow and Reserve Supreme Overall
2014 Mississippi Valley Fair

EN: 70-6 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Date Born: 1/29/14
Sire: Untouchable 159
Dam's Ear Notch: 92-6X
Sire of Dam: Creature
Weight in lbs (as of 04.12.14): 75
Description:: Here's a thick made, big centered, very complete and balanced kind of show barrow prospect! There's just not a lot to break down on 70-6 as far as faults! He's got muscle, he's got great rib, he's sound, and he fits into a balanced and right sized package to feed well to be a 260-280 lb. market weight show barrow!


Shown by Katie Reinhart

Reserve Grand Champion
2014 Greene County Fair
#: 185
EN: 4-7 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: Monster Square
Dam's Ear Notch: 95-4
Sire of Dam: Honky Tonk
Weight in lbs (as of 06.19.14): 65
Description:: Again, you can see the top shape and upper rib shape that the Honky Tonk female brings to the table written all over this pair of belted barrows!!! This is the same sow that is the mother of the DWE Expo barrow!!! These barrows are massive end to end and extremely bold about their center rib! We think if you have a reasonable place to keep one and access to a pretty solid show diet... YOU or ANYONE else could be competitive with these 4 litter barrows!

Reserve Grand Champion Breeding Gilt
2014 Grant County Fair (IN)
Shown by: Bradey Newhouse
Placed by: Platt Showpigs

Grand Champion Barrow
2014 Hancock County Fair (IN)
Shown by the O'Neal Family
Placed by Platt Showpigs

Shown by Lucia Abreu

Grand Champion Market Hog
2014 Western Bonanza - Day 2

#: 99
EN: 221-7 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Date Born: 8/1/13
Sire: Bear 22
Dam's Ear Notch: 25-3
Sire of Dam: Bear
Weight in lbs (as of 10.18.13): 70
Description:: We aren't sure what keeps this one from winning in any setting under about any range of judges!!! This one is just so naturally good! He is very heavy structured! He is wide and bold up front, yet keeps every thing square to the ground! He is right at his hock from behind and he's got the right muscle pattern to really be a barrow that stays true and gets better! We're think this one can RUN WITH THE BIG DOGS!!!


Exhibited by: Thomas Trout

Grand Champion Barrow
2014 Main Event Jackpot Show

EN: 377-4 YB
Breed/Sex: Yorkshire Barrow
Date Born: 12/12/13
Sire: Untouchable 131
Dam's Ear Notch: 138-4
Sire of Dam: Final Move
Weight in lbs (as of 02.16.14): 60
Description:: Here's a Yorkshire barrow to make some notes on! His picture might not be the very best representation of him, but this barrow is heavy structured, square and has a really good hip and hind leg! He's got the length and frame work to be 270+ pounds and maintain balance! The mother of this barrow is a impressive sow that honestly looks like one you would call: A BARROW MAKER!



Exhibited by: Austin Duhigg

Reserve Overall Market Barrow
2014 Walworth County Fair

#: 150A
EN: 81-7 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: Maverick
Dam's Ear Notch: 92-9X
Sire of Dam: Super Monster
Weight in lbs (as of 04.12.14): 43
Description:: You better not overlook this black Maverick x Super Monster barrow! He is about the ideal size and maturity to be a barrow that feeds extra easy for you!!! He is stout featured, yet not coarse! He is shapely, yet still square! He is cock and attractive, but he still reads with some production! We would predict this barrow to be a super competitive 250-260 weight barrow by State Fair time! He could be one that continues to show into later August and even get into September with great fresh look!



Grand Champion
Crowley's Ridge Classic

Private Treaty Purchase

Grand Champion Overall
2014 Madison County Fair
Placed by Jeremy Mabry

Grand Champion Barrow
Obion County Fair Open Show
Reserve Champion Gilt
Obion County Fair Junior Show
Shown by Carly Whipple
Multiple Show Success
Shown by the Page Family

Class Winner
2014 Georgia National
Class Winner
2014 NJSA Southeast Regional
Reserve Champion Hampshire
2014 Throwdown Jackpot Show
Grand Champion Overall
2014 Hart EMC Jackpot Show




Grand Champion
2014 Stephens County Jr. Livestock Show

#: 135B
EN: 97-7 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Date Born: 7/21/13
Sire: High Voltage
Dam's Ear Notch: 16-5X
Sire of Dam: Final Move
Weight in lbs (as of 09.14.13): 50
Description:: This black barrow is another one that has so much stoutness and incredible features! He will look like a man among boys on show day at 200 days or so old! He's stout skulled, but still has some extension and look! He's got a big yet square hip and rump, big center, and great natural muscle density to really feed GREAT!!!


3521 County Road 505 - Lake City, Arkansas 72437
Aaron: 870-219-4443 (c)
E-mail: cassandra.nichole.cobb@gmail.com