Producing a Wonderful Experience!

Supreme Champion Gilt
2018 California State Fair

Shown by the Groves Family
Placed by Ernest Donohoe

EN: 274-3 XG
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Gilt
Sire: Undisputed
Dam's Ear Notch: 267-5
Sire of Dam: On Target


Additional Success:
• Supreme Champion Gilt at Western Bonanza & 3rd Overall Champion Division & 3rd Overall at Belt Buckle Blowout
• Reserve Supreme Day 1 & 3rd Overall Day 2 at Northern Exposure
• Reserve Champion Progress at Modesto Junior College Jackpot
• 2nd in Class at World Pork Expo behind Champion Div 3
• Supreme Champion Breeding Gilt at Pacific International

Click photo at left to view all winning photos!

Champion Yorkshire
2018 San Antonio Stock Show

Shown by Cyerra Lackey
  EN: 268-6 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Date Born: 7/13/17
Sire: Square Deal
Dam's Ear Notch: 259-3
Sire of Dam: Slug
Weight in lbs (as of 10.12.17): 70
Description:: These 268 barrows TRIP OUR TRIGGER!!! They are incredibly square, yet still bold and very shapely! All three of these guys have tremendous back and rib shape!!! They are heavy structured and stout featured but still appear youthful and immature and like their best days are still ahead of them!!!3„4
Champion FFA Light Cross & 5th Overall
2018 California State Fair

Exhibited by Lucia Abreu
Placed by Ernest Donohoe
Ear Notch:3„422-3
Sire.:3„4Square Edge
Dam Ear Notch:3„492-6
Dam.:3„4On Target
Pen #:3„4Pen 16
Date Weighed:3„42/9/18.
Tag #:3„4840 003 147 697 277
Description:3„4*If you classify at your show - Deadly Yorkshire *Huge Bone *Massive Back *Bold Rib *Just raw potential waiting on a fit job to win
Champion Heavyweight Cross & 3rd Overall
2018 Colorado State Fair

Exhibited by Travis Hamilton
Placed by Ernest Donohoe
Ear Notch:3„425-5
Dam Ear Notch:3„4235-10
Dam.:3„4On Target
Pen #:3„4Pen 13
Tag #:3„4840 003 150 721 629
Classification:3„4Dark Cross
Description:3„4*We think these little Attitude barrows are SPECIAL - ABSOLUTELY SPECIAL *They will not over power you *They are put together with as good of skeletons and overall design and balance as you will ever hope to see *They are later in their maturity pattern, but that's exactly why we think they will be so good when it matters most
3rd Overall Division 2
2018 World Pork Expo

Exhibited by Lucia Abreu
Placed by Ernest Donohoe
Ear Notch:3„421A-82
Sire.:3„4Square Deal
Dam Ear Notch:3„4225-4
Dam.:3„4On Target
Pen #:3„4Pen 14
Date Weighed:3„42/9/18.
Tag #:3„4840 003 147 697 258
Description:3„4*Gets 5-Starts in his sleep *Rock-Star kind of look and show appeal *Big legs with big cage and great hip *NEXT LEVEL SPECIAL
Champion 4-H Yorkshire Barrow
2018 California State Fair

Exhibited by Baylee Grove
Placed by Ernest Donohoe
Ear Notch:3„451-10
Dam Ear Notch:3„463-3
Dam.:3„4Monster Square
Pen #:3„4Pen 16
Date Weighed:3„42/9/18.
Tag #:3„4840 003 147 697 278
Description:3„4*Another KICK-ASS Yorkshire classing barrow *Will be A HANDFUL in the Yorkshire drive somewhere this Summer *Stout and Square - Built RIGHT

Reserve Grand Barrow & 3rd Overall
2018 Western Bonanza

Exhibited by Lucia Abreu
Placed by Ernest Donohoe
EN: 238-2 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: Bear 52
Dam's Ear Notch: 252-9
Sire of Dam: On Target
Description:: These 238 litter barrows are put together like little SHOW STEERS!!! They are enormous in their bone work, they are awesomely square built, and even though these barrows have a stout kind of head and skull they are still super attractive and have the trim neck and jawline that makes them so unique!!! There's multiple barrows here in this 238 litter that can play hard at Major Level!!! We think there's something pretty special right here!!!3„4
Reserve Champion Heavyweight Gilt
2018 Western Bonanza

Exhibited by Lucia Abreu
Placed by Ernest Donohoe
EN: 207-1 XG
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Gilt
Sire: Bear 35
Dam's Ear Notch: 247-1
Sire of Dam: Visionary
Description:: These 207 litter females HIT US VERY HARD!!! They have the "extras" it takes to win at highest level, yet they are still sound, square, and balanced like they MUST BE to have success anywhere!!! We can get really fired up about this pair and the good they offer!!! They are extremely unique and the kind that are hard to make, while covering all the basics at the same time!!! Neat Pair!!!3„4

6th Overall Crossbred Barrow
2018 Oklahoma Youth Expo

  EN: 238-3 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: Bear 52
Dam's Ear Notch: 252-9
Sire of Dam: On Target
Description:: These 238 litter barrows are put together like little SHOW STEERS!!! They are enormous in their bone work, they are awesomely square built, and even though these barrows have a stout kind of head and skull they are still super attractive and have the trim neck and jawline that makes them so unique!!! There's multiple barrows here in this 238 litter that can play hard at Major Level!!! We think there's something pretty special right here!!!3„4
First in Class 42 & Reserve in Division 7
2018 Georgia Junior National Livestock Show

Shown by Jeremy Kramer
  EN: 86-10 XG
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Gilt
Date Born: 8/15/17
Sire: Undisputed
Dam's Ear Notch: 214-2
Sire of Dam: Slug
Weight in lbs (as of 11.10.17): 60
Description:: We really like the looks of this pair of littermates, and they aren't exactly alike! 86-8 is square, sound, and balanced in her overall look with a nice kind of muscle pattern and degree of power, 86-10 is just A BEAST! She's the mega big ribbed, extra massive backed, thick ended one that still gives you a good kind of look!!!3„4
6th Place Heavy Weight Hampshire
2018 Houston Livestock Show

Shown by Karma Herring
  EN: 86-7 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Date Born: 8/15/17
Sire: Undisputed
Dam's Ear Notch: 214-2
Sire of Dam: Slug
Weight in lbs (as of 11.10.17): 76
Description:: These barrows look like they are going to feed and be the kind that give really good feeders a real chance. This blue barrow is mega heavy boned, incredibly, and still balances up with extension and shape. The belted barrow here in this 86 litter is dense. He's Super big centered and expressive about his upper rib and back. These white barrows look to have a real chance to make Yorkshire classifying barrows and they read to be really good. They square with shape and design. They are correct and athletic on the move! Very deep litter and terrific set of barrows!3„4
3rd Place
2018 Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo

Shown by Larke Leven
  EN: 283-5 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Date Born: 7/20/17
Sire: Ego
Dam's Ear Notch: 14-2
Sire of Dam: Bear 84
Description:: Here's a couple that read mega stout featured, big legged, and huge about there center rib!!! When they bring this much true feature and true structure to the table... They can overmatch the competition!!! These barrows combine tremendous mass and stoutness with still a good show barrow and balance!3„43„4
Grand Champion Market Barrow
2018 Minnesota State Fair 4-H Show

Shown by Gretta Anderson3„4
  Ear Notch: 11-3.
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Barrow
Sire.: Attitude
Dam Ear Notch: 230-1
Dam.: Bear 274
Pen #: Pen 3
Weight: 50-60#
Tag #: 840 003 147 697 939
Classification: Dark Cross
Description: *These Attitude barrows combine bone, body, and balance extremely well *They are extra bold centered and are ultra stout featured *We like what we see here a ton
Reserve Grand Champion Barrow
2018 Illinois State Fair Open Show

Shown by Cydney Bertolino
  Ear Notch: 249-5.
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Barrow
Sire.: Bear 52
Dam Ear Notch: 79-1.
Dam.: On Target
Pen #: Pen 23
Weight: 35-40#
Tag #: 840 003 147 697 818
Classification: Hampshire
Description: *Hold on to your horses here, but I actually love this pair of barrows! *These are not the ones that will overwhelm you with power and readiness today, but if you know what a winning show barrow's skeleton should look like3Ú4these have it!
Champion Progress Market Hog
2018 Cow Palace Junior Grand National

Shown by Ashley Hagen
  Ear Notch: 404-2
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Barrow
Sire.: Bear 42
Dam Ear Notch: 5-1
Dam.: Bear 274
Pen #: Pen 2
Weight: 90-100
Tag #: 840 003 150 722 388
Classification: Light Cross
Champion Yorkshire & 4th Overall
2018 Arkansas State Fair

Shown by Lainey Homan
  Ear Notch: 227A-84
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Barrow
Sire.: Bear 48
Dam Ear Notch: 353-9
Dam.: Hoge 122
Pen #: Pen 21
Weight: 35-40#
Tag #: 840 003 150 721 997
Classification: Yorkshire
Champion Hampshire
2018 Arkansas State Fair

Shown by Tate Rodgers, Beebe FFA
  Ear Notch: 78-6
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Barrow
Sire.: Bear 42
Dam Ear Notch: 269-7
Dam.: On Target
Pen #: Pen 3
Weight: 70-80
Tag #: 840 003 147 697 877
Classification: Hampshire
Champion Berkshire
2018 Arkansas State Fair

Shown by Kale Jones
3rd Overall Crossbred & Sale Qualifier
2018 Arkansas-Oklahoma State Fair

Shown by Garrett Haley
  Ear Notch: 81-6
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Barrow
Sire.: Undisputed
Dam Ear Notch: 242-1
Dam.: On Time
Pen #: Pen 13
Weight: 50-60#
Tag #: 840 003 150 721 891
Classification: Light Cross
Grand Champion Feeder Hog
2018 Arizona State Fair

Exhibited by Emma Nelson
Placed by Ernest Donohoe
Ear Notch:3„4457-1
Sire.:3„4On Target
Dam Ear Notch:3„468-10
Dam.:3„4Monster Square
Pen #:3„4Pen 16
Tag #:3„4840 003 150 722 575
Classification:3„4Dark Cross
Champion Hamp
2018 Arizona State Fair

Exhibited by Emma Nelson
Placed by Ernest Donohoe
Ear Notch:3„493-4
Sire.:3„4Take Aim
Dam Ear Notch:3„421-4
Dam.:3„4Bear 274
Pen #:3„4Pen 15
Tag #:3„4840 003 150 721 924
3rd Overall Division 1
2018 Indiana Stock Show

Shown by Johnie Anne McDonnell
  Ear Notch: 278-4
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Barrow
Sire.: Bear 274
Dam Ear Notch: 27-4
Dam.: On Target
Pen #: Pen 3
Weight: 50-60#
Tag #: 840 003 147 697 940
Classification: Dark Cross
Description: *These 278 litter, Bear 274 sired barrows are ABSOLUTE STUDS *Take your pick with these littermates - YOU CAN HANG A BANNER SHOWING ONE OF THESE RASCALS
Champion Berkshire
2018 Belt Buckle Bonanza

Shown by Savannah Johnston
  Ear Notch: 52-3
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Gilt
Sire.: Square Edge
Dam Ear Notch: 276-4
Dam.: Bear 22
Pen #: Pen 13
Weight: 40-50
Date Weighed: 2/9/18.
Tag #: 840 003 147 697 243
Underline Count and Quality Score: 7-7 / 5 .
Classification: Dark Cross
Description: *Another ELITE litter with great depth *Certainly the FUN COLORED on of the bunch *Tremendous crossbred female despite or regardless of color *Combines look and bone with great dimension3„4
Third Overall Supreme
2018 Belt Buckle Bonanza

Shown by Christon Watson
Placed by Dustin & Jennifer Ham
  Ear Notch: 86-1
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Barrow
Sire.: Undisputed
Dam Ear Notch: 267-3
Dam.: On Target
Pen #: Pen 17
Weight: 40-50#
Tag #: 840 003 150 721 947
Classification: Off Belt Hampshire
Champion Yorkshire Barrow
2018 Belt Buckle Bonanza

**Champion York 15 times, summer 2018
Placed by Dustin & Jennifer Ham
  Ear Notch: 37-5
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Barrow
Sire.: Notorious
Dam Ear Notch: 240-7
Dam.: Bear 274
Pen #: Pen 13
Weight: 40-50#
Tag #: 840 003 147 698 053
Classification: Yorkshire
Description: *If you're shopping for one that should show as a Yorkshire - LOOK IN HERE *THIS ONE IS THE REAL DEAL
Reserve Champion Other Cross
2018 California State Fair

Shown by Ashley and Will Hagen
Placed by Luke McDonnell
  Ear Notch: 53-5
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Barrow
Sire.: Square Deal
Dam Ear Notch: 69-1
Dam.: Bear
Pen #: Pen 12
Weight: 40-50
Date Weighed: 2/9/18.
Tag #: 840 003 147 697 219
Classification: Yorkshire
Description: *One more that can PLAY ANYWHERE as a Yorkshire *Hard to build one any better from the side *Heaviness of structure and tremendous look and show appeal3„4
Reserve Champion Crossbred and 4th overall
2018 Arkansas Oklahoma State Fair
Reserve Champion Crossbred
2018 AJSS Jackpots
Reserve Champion Market Hog
2018 Washington County Fair (AR)

Shown by Mabry Family
  Ear Notch: 5-2.
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Barrow
Sire.: Bear 42
Dam Ear Notch: 298-2
Dam.: On Target
Pen #: Pen 10
Weight: 40-50#
Tag #: 840 003 147 698 023
Classification: Dark Cross
Description: *These Bear 42 sired barrows HIT US LIKE A TON OF BRICKS *They have the look and design of CHAMPIONS *They have incredible structure and great show barrow bone work *Then you get them in motion and they can pick them up and put the down like a CHAMP3„4
2x Reserve Division Champion
2018 Belt Buckle Jackpot & MJC Jackpot

Exhibited by Dennis Grove III
Placed by Ernest Donohoe
EN: 244-9 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Sire: Undisputed
Dam's Ear Notch: 51-1
Sire of Dam: Bear 84
Description:: One of the really deep and consistent litters in this offering!!! These 244 litter barrows are just really put together right! They are stout featured! They are heavy boned! They have balance and look to them!!! These Undisputed barrows are bold and shapely when you get on top of them and they are square and attractive with balance from the side!!! You can't go too far wrong with any one of these 244 litter barrows! Great Litter!3„4
Reserve Champion Light Cross
2018 Sonoma County Fair

Exhibited by Ian Plum
Placed by Ernest Donohoe
Ear Notch:3„4263-3.
Dam Ear Notch:3„475-6.
Dam.:3„4On Time
Pen #:3„4Pen 16
Tag #:3„4840 003 147 697 706
Classification:3„4Light Cross
Description:3„4*If you're looking for a blue barrow, look in here *Both of these barrows are loaded with shape and are very three dimensional throughout
Reserve Champion Dark Cross
2018 Sonoma County Fair (CA)

Exhibited by Ian Plum
Placed by Ernest Donohoe
Ear Notch:3„4237-3.
Sire.:3„4Square Edge
Dam Ear Notch:3„4264-2.
Dam.:3„4On Time
Pen #:3„4Pen 12
Tag #:3„4840 003 147 697 659
Classification:3„4Dark Cross
Description:3„4*Ultra tall fronted *Shaply backed *Big ribbed *Can get out and go
Reserve Grand Champion
2018 Lake County Fair (CA)

Exhibited by Dennis Grove III
Placed by Ernest Donohoe
Ear Notch:3„4202-5.
Dam Ear Notch:3„435-1.
Dam.:3„4Bear 84
Pen #:3„4Pen 16
Tag #:3„4840 003 147 697 709
Classification:3„4Dark Cross
Description:3„4*The one that might get overlooked that can WHIP THEM ALL at maturity *If you need them overly ready at this stage - STAY AWAY *If you want one with flawless structure YET still the bone, features, chest, and arm to feed into a beast - Here He Is
Grand Champion Market Swine
2018 Brewster County Livestock Show

Shown by Justin Coggins
  EN: 244-5 XG
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Gilt
Date Born: 6/30/17
Sire: Sky 203
Dam's Ear Notch: 25-3
Sire of Dam: Bear
Weight in lbs (as of 09.11.17): 62
Description:: If you are in the market for an elite, top notch blue crossbred gilt... IT'S TIME TO LOOK IN!!! These 244's are OUTSTANDING!!! They are square, they are attractive! They have have great back shape along with tremendous center rib cage!3„4
Reserve Grand Champion Market Swine
2018 Brewster County Livestock Show

Shown by Tannin Ritchie
  EN: 275-7 XG
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Gilt
Date Born: 7/16/17
Sire: Ego
Dam's Ear Notch: 205-5
Sire of Dam: Bear 84
Weight in lbs (as of 09.11.17): 42
Description:: We think there's MAJOR LEAGUE POTENTIAL in this one!!! They all start as prospects, and some have more potential than others, no different than MLB drafting players! This one looks like she could reach the BIG LEAGUES!!! The is so bold centered, huge topped, killer square, and ultra attractive about her head and neck with great length of front and extension!!! LOOK OUT - WE THINK THIS ONE COULD HAND A BANNER!!!3„4
Grand Champion
2018 Habersham County Livestock Show

Shown by Cassie Cantrell
  Ear Notch: 90-8
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Barrow
Sire.: Attitude
Dam Ear Notch: 206-1
Dam.: Monster Square
Pen #: Pen 15
Weight: 40-50#
Tag #: 840 003 150 721 920
Classification: Dark Cross
Reserve Champion Crossbred
2018 Montgomery County Fair (TX)

Shown by Taylor Mann
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Date Born: 8/29/17
Sire: Undisputed
Dam's Ear Notch: 221-3
Sire of Dam: Bear 84
Grand Champion Market
2018 Alabama Youth Swine Expo
2018 Alabama State Market Hog Show

Shown by Breann Noles
  Lot 17
Pen #9
EN 64-3 XG
Reserve Yorkshire
2018 Hill Country District Junior Livestock Show

Shown by Cyerra Lackey
  EN: 208-1 XB
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Barrow
Date Born: 6/7/17
Sire: Bear 274
Dam's Ear Notch: 47-5
Sire of Dam: Monster Square
Weight in lbs (as of 09.11.17): 70
Description:: We really like the looks of this one!!! He's got a very small spot of blue over his eye and one small spot on his hip, if this guy is about to classify Yorkshire down the road, he could hang a banner NO DOUBT!!! He's shapely, he's square, and he's correct and athletic on his feet and legs!!!3„4
Many Time Jackpot Show Champion

Placed by Platt Showpigs
  Ear Notch: 204-3.
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Barrow
Sire.: Undisputed
Dam Ear Notch: 21-5.
Dam.: Bear 84
Pen #: Pen 8
Weight: 60-70#
Tag #: 840 003 147 697 607
Classification: Hampshire
Description: *5-Star show barrow prospect *Awesome square back and incredible bone and feature *NOTE: Had small extra dewclaws removed on both front feet - We guarantee a full recovery or we'll give 100% refund3„4
Champion High Points Commercial Gilt
2018 Magnolia Swine Circuit (Mississippi)

Exhibited by Kathryn and John Clayton Chism
  Ear Notch: 418-6
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Gilt
Sire.: Uncontested
Dam Ear Notch: 79-1
Dam.: Bear 274
Pen #: Pen 6
Weight: 60-70
Tag #: 840 003 150 722 448
Underline Count and Quality Score: 7-6 / 4.
Reserve Grand Champion Barrow
2018 Wabash Valley Youth Classic (IN)
4th Overall Barrow
2018 Hoosier Classic Jackpot Show (IN)

Shown by Morgan & Mackenzie Pierson
Click on photo to view all winning pics!
  Ear Notch: 266-4.
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Barrow
Sire.: Phenom 60
Dam Ear Notch: 25-4.
Dam.: Maverick
Pen #: Pen 20
Weight: 40-50#
Tag #: 840 003 147 697 762
Classification: Light Cross
Description: *This pair of blue barrows will not blow you away with their massive and readiness today *FORGET THAT -These are the kind that get better with maturity and give great feeders a chance 3„4
Grand Overall Gilt
2018 Morgan County Jackpot Show
5th Overall Gilt
2018 Wabash Valley Youth Classic & Hancock County Showdown3„4

Shown by Morgan & Mackenzie Pierson
Click on photo to view all winning pics!
  Ear Notch: 97-1
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Gilt
Sire.: Take Aim
Dam Ear Notch: 68-10.
Dam.: Monster Square
Pen #: Pen 6
Weight: 60-70#
Tag #: 840 003 147 697 577
Underline Count and Quality Score: 7-7 / 5.
Classification: Dark Cross
Description: *Take Aim x Square Up's Littermate *Massive rib cage and structure *Huge backed and big legged *Elite Female 3„4
Supreme Champion Gilt
2018 Tennessee State Fair

Grand Champion
2018 Putnam County Fair (TN)
Supreme Champion Gilt
2018 Cumberland County Fair (AR)

Reserve Champion

2018 Macon County Fair (TN)

Shown by Lincoln Hart
  Ear Notch: 8-2.
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Gilt
Sire.: Attitude
Dam Ear Notch: 52-1
Dam.: Bear 84
Pen #: Pen 7
Weight: 40-50#
Tag #: 840 003 147 697 985
Underline Count and Quality Score: 7-6 / 4.
Classification: Light Cross
Description: *Just a super well balanced, complete blue female *You have to appreciate how square and correct and well designed this one is
Grand Champion Market Hog
2018 Madison County Fair
Champion Heavyweight and Third Overall
2018 North Arkansas District Fair

Shown by Cade Jackson
  Ear Notch: 278-8
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Barrow
Sire.: Bear 274
Dam Ear Notch: 27-4
Dam.: On Target
Pen #: Pen 5
Weight: 50-60#
Tag #: 840 003 147 697 970
Classification: Hampshire
Description: *These 278 litter, Bear 274 sired barrows are ABSOLUTE STUDS *Take your pick with these littermates - YOU CAN HANG A BANNER SHOWING ONE OF THESE RASCALS
Grand Champion
2018 Monroe County Fair (OH)

Shown by Garet Spencer
  Ear Notch: 25-2
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Barrow
Sire.: Attitude
Dam Ear Notch: 235-10
Dam.: On Target
Pen #: Pen 13
Weight: 40-50#
Tag #: 840 003 150 721 628
Classification: Dark Cross
Description: *We think these little Attitude barrows are SPECIAL - ABSOLUTELY SPECIAL *They will not over power you *They are put together with as good of skeletons and overall design and balance as you will ever hope to see *They are later in their maturity pattern, but that's exactly why we think they will be so good when it matters most
Grand Champion
2018 Fentress County Fair

Shown by Lincoln Hart
  Ear Notch: 8-2.
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Gilt
Sire.: Attitude
Dam Ear Notch: 52-1
Dam.: Bear 84
Pen #: Pen 7
Weight: 40-50#
Tag #: 840 003 147 697 985
Underline Count and Quality Score: 7-6 / 4.
Classification: Light Cross
Description: *Just a super well balanced, complete blue female *You have to appreciate how square and correct and well designed this one is
Reserve Champion Crossbred Gilt
2018 Tennessee State Fair
Reserve Champion
2018 Putnam County Fair (TN)

Shown by Ellie
  Ear Notch: 269-2.
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Gilt
Sire.: Square Edge
Dam Ear Notch: 272-1.
Dam.: On Target
Pen #: Pen 17
Weight: 40-50#
Tag #: 840 003 147 697 723
Underline Count and Quality Score: 7-7 / 5.
Classification: Dark Cross
Description: *Mega stout featured with big, soft center rib cages *Great footed, great skulled, with really good length of neck *Super strong pair
Reserve Champion Crossbred Gilt
2018 Cumberland County Fair (TN)

Shown by Mary Carter Shirley
  Ear Notch: 272-2.
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Gilt
Sire.: Attitude
Dam Ear Notch: 219-4.
Dam.: Beyond
Pen #: Pen 10
Weight: 50-60#
Tag #: 840 003 147 697 627
Underline Count and Quality Score: 7-7 / 5.
Classification: Hampshire
Description: *Big ribbed, moderate, and shapely *This one should make a show gilt plus sow prospect
Champion Gilt
2018 County Fair (Iowa)

Shown by Nic Edwards
  Ear Notch: 99-8.
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Gilt
Sire.: Phenom
Dam Ear Notch: 288-4.
Dam.: Horizon
Pen #: Pen 14
Weight: 40-50#
Tag #: 840 003 147 697 696
Underline Count and Quality Score: 7-6 / 3.
Classification: Hampshire
Description: *Super attractive, square built, ultra correct pair of littermate Phenom daughters *Tremendous balance and look end to end
Supreme Grand Champion Breeding Gilt
2018 Redwood Empire Fair (CA)

Shown by Ashleigh Mcdonald
  Ear Notch: 4-6.
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Gilt
Sire.: Square Deal
Dam Ear Notch: 253-8
Dam.: Blue Chip
Pen #: Pen 6
Weight: 50-60
Date Weighed: 2/9/18.
Tag #: 840 003 147 697 139
Underline Count and Quality Score: 7-7 / 5.
Classification: Dark Cross
Description: *Favorite of many that see them *Bold and yet still neat look *Stout featured, yet still balanced *ELITE dual-purpose female
Reserve Champion FFA Market Hog
2018 Santa Barbara County Fair

Exhibited by Maximus Max” Guerra
Placed by Ernest Donohoe
Ear Notch:3„419A-84
Sire.:3„4Square Edge
Dam Ear Notch:3„4259-6
Pen #:3„4Pen 12
Date Weighed:3„42/9/18.
Tag #:3„4840 003 147 697 218
Classification:3„4Light Cross
Description:3„4*Big Legs and Neat Headed *Back shape with Bold rib *Great feeding look *Top end Light Cross barrow
Grand Champion Market Hog
2018 Siskiyou County Fair

Exhibited by Lilley Finley
Placed by Ernest Donohoe
Ear Notch:3„4217-6.
Dam Ear Notch:3„4245-8.
Dam.:3„4On Target
Pen #:3„4Pen 16
Tag #:3„4840 003 147 697 705
Classification:3„4Light Cross
Description:3„4*These blue barrows are really stout featured, rugged, big legged, great ribbed, and do it in a well designed, balanced package
Grand Champion Market Hog
2018 Madera County Fair

Exhibited by Gina Abraham
Placed by Ernest Donohoe
Ear Notch:3„4217-1.
Dam Ear Notch:3„4245-8.
Dam.:3„4On Target
Pen #:3„4Pen 11
Tag #:3„4840 003 147 697 638
Classification:3„4Light Cross
Description:3„4*These blue barrows are really stout featured, rugged, big legged, great ribbed, and do it in a well designed, balanced package
Grand Champion
2018 Cleburne County Fair (Arkansas)

Shown by Hunter Sharp
  Ear Notch: 72-1
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Gilt
Sire.: Square Edge
Dam Ear Notch: 285-3
Dam.: Phenom
Pen #: Pen 10
Weight: 60-70#
Tag #: 840 003 150 721 867
Underline Count and Quality Score: 8-7 / 5.
Classification: Off Belt Hampshire3„4
Champion Crossbred
2018 Ouachita County (Arkansas)

Shown by Hunter Sharp
  Ear Notch: 49-5
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Barrow
Sire.: Square Edge
Dam Ear Notch: 204-5
Dam.: On Target
Pen #: Pen 6
Weight: 60-70#
Tag #: 840 003 150 721 820
Classification: Calico3„4
Reserve Overall Barrow
2018 Mercer County Fair (IL)

Shown by Evan Wynne
  Ear Notch: 2-1.
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Barrow
Sire.: Square Deal
Dam Ear Notch: 204-8
Dam.: On Target
Pen #: Pen 3
Weight: 60-70
Date Weighed: 2/9/18.
Tag #: 840 003 147 697 112
Classification: Hampshire
Description: *AWESOME pair of show barrows *Both have the feature and bone work to win at Major level *Both read with the right kind of skeleton and maturity *NOTE: Both barrows had both testicles retained, they have had surgery to remove and everything went smooth and looks good, we guarantee a full recovery3„4
Champion Hampshire Market Hog
2018 Williamson County Youth Expo (TX)

Shown by Dean Hoppe
  Ear Notch: 266-2
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Barrow
Sire.: Undisputed
Dam Ear Notch: 259-3
Dam.: Pinnacle
Pen #: Pen 22
Weight: 35-40
Tag #: 840 003 150 722 201
Classification: Dark Cross
5th Overall
2018 Crowley?s Ridge Classic

Shown by Jessica Griffin
  EN: 235-1 XG
Breed/Sex: Crossbred Gilt
Date Born: 9/1/17
Sire: Bear 35
Dam's Ear Notch: 277-1
Sire of Dam: Visionary
Weight in lbs (as of 11.10.17): 50
Description:: Really neat one here!!! You have to love the attractive, heads up look of this female! Yet, when you get up on top of her and see the shape and dimension he possesses... YOU LIKE HER EVEN MORE AND MORE!!! She's one that puts it all together really well!!!3„4
Reserve Champion FFA Market Hog
2018 San Diego County Fair

Exhibited by Johnathan Pasch
Placed by Ernest Donohoe
  Champion 4-H Market Hog
2018 Dixon May Fair

Exhibited by Peyton King
Placed by Ernest Donohoe
Grand Champion FFA Market Hog
2018 Healdsburg County Fair

Exhibited by Lola Plum
Placed by Ernest Donohoe
  Reserve Champion Heavyweight
2018 San Diego County Fair

Exhibited by Kaden Ortenmier
Placed by Ernest Donohoe
Champion FFA York
2018 Santa Barbara County Fair

Exhibited by Marco Tapia
Placed by Ernest Donohoe
  Reserve Champion Hamp
2018 Dixon May Fair (CA)

Exhibited by Halie Pringle
Placed by Ernest Donohoe
Reserve Champion Progress
2018 Redwave Jackpot (CA)

Exhibited by Halie Pringle
Placed by Ernest Donohoe
  Reserve Champion Market Hog
2018 Redwave Jackpot (CA)

Exhibited by Baylee Grove
Placed by Ernest Donohoe

3521 County Road 505 - Lake City, Arkansas 72437
Aaron: 870-219-4443 (c)
E-mail: cassandra.nichole.cobb@gmail.com