After much deliberation, we have decided to no longer sell semen out of our herd boars. Unfortunately, with our 8 online pig sales and our 2 online bred gilt offerings, we do not have the time needed to manage our semen orders properly. The best way to now utilize these boars and our genetics is through gilts offered in our online bred gilt and pig sales.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause some of you. We would like to thank our customers who have been so loyal over the past few years.
We will be offering select doses of semen online! Watch for the sales here and at
When you are selecting the breed stock to produce next year's pig crop remember this: all of the fancy feeds, high powered fit jobs, enhanced photos, changed birth dates and big price tags will not make them better -- only their true genetic value will.
3521 County Road 505 - Lake City, Arkansas 72437
Aaron: 870-219-4443 (c)